Divorce Services

Modern Divorce Solutions is able to do 100% online mediation, consultation, and divorce financial planning. With video conferencing, we can navigate through your entire divorce/dissolution process from the comfort of your home.

The financial intricacies of divorce can be overwhelming for everyone involved. A divorce financial planner will ensure that you make fully educated and informed settlement decisions. Let me help you see your future clearly.



Services for your divorce

Modern Divorce Solutions provides individuals, couples, mediators, and attorneys with financial expertise during divorce. With advanced training in financial aspects of divorce including pension valuation, marital vs. separate property, and tax optimization of settlements, I can help craft creative settlement solutions that make financial sense for both parties. Get divorce financial planning expertise when you need it most.

  • Divorce Financial Consulting

In divorce, I first help clients determine the best way to get divorced (mediation, collaborative divorce, litigation), then I guide them in the right direction. I also assist clients with identifying all the assets of the marriage, including those that potentially may be hidden or under reported. I then provide detailed budgets and projections that demonstrate how different financial settlements will impact the client’s family for the short and long term. Lastly, I help ensure that other financial areas are addressed such as life insurance, beneficiaries, estate and college planning.

  • Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Practice is a voluntary dispute resolution process in which parties settle without resorting to litigation. In Collaborative Practice:

  1. The parties sign a collaborative participation agreement describing the nature and scope of the matter;
  2. The parties voluntarily disclose all information which is relevant and material to the matter that must be decided;
  3. The parties agree to use good faith efforts in their negotiations to reach a mutually acceptable settlement;
  4. Each party must be represented by a lawyer whose representation terminates upon the undertaking of any contested court proceeding;
  5. The parties may engage mental health and financial professionals whose engagement terminates upon the undertaking of any contested court proceeding; and
  6. The parties may jointly engage other experts as needed.

Collaborative Practice provides you and your spouse or partner with the support and guidance of your own lawyers without going to court. As of April 2020, an online divorce or virtual divorce is a collaborative option.

Additionally, Collaborative Practice allows you the benefit of coaches, child and financial specialists all working together with you on your team. In Collaborative Practice, core elements form your commitments to this process, which are to:

  1. Negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution without having courts decide issues.
  2. Maintain open communication and information sharing.
  3. Create shared solutions acknowledging the highest priorities of all.

For local Collaborative Practitioners, see www.winwindivorce.org

  • Mediation Services

Mediators often struggle with properly educating a couple on the financial complexities of their settlements. I am a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst trained in all of the financial intracacies of divorce. I combine my experience as financial advisor and Certified Financial Planner with many of hours of mediation training to offer you the opportunity to make agreements that are fully informed, educated and future-tested. At Divorce 20/20, I offer a mediation experience like no other. Facilitating communication is great, but don’t you want to be sure you have ALL of your property settlement options on the table? I provide ideas for creative settlement solutions to ensure you will BOTH be better than just alright in the next phase of your lives.

  • Post Divorce Transition Assistance

Your divorce is final! Now some of the real work begins. Your accounts need to be consolidated, QDROs completed, bank accounts closed, estate planning documents rewritten, etc. It can be a daunting process! Allowing a professional to help you with all of those things after the divorce is important to ensure you don’t miss anything. Then you can begin the next phase of your life with confidence and control.

I will work with you as long as necessary to ensure that ALL of the terms of your settlement agreement are completed and you get the assets you are entitled to.

As a Wealth Manager since 1995 and Certified Divorce Financial Planner with years of experience, I am equipped to help you manage your financial life post-divorce to ensure that your financial plan has the best chance of success. Make sure that you have a clear vision for your new life post-divorce.



Let us help you experience a better way to get divorced. There is no need to waste thousands of dollars in a court battle. Use the button below to set up your complimentary Modern Divorce Solutions Strategy Session.

In Your Strategy Session We will:

  • Explore your divorce options and get clear on the right solution for your situation

  • Review your finances and explore creative settlement ideas

  • Map out a plan for transitioning to the next phase of your life

  • Identify your biggest fears and decide the best way to address them

  • Connect you with any other resources you’ll need in your process

Only 10 sessions available each month! Schedule today to ensure availability!